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USA Cycling reminds members of our values and mission

Following the highly publicized results at the 2019 UCI Master’s Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester (UK), USA Cycling has received many questions regarding our transgender athlete policy. Unfortunately, we have also received many reports of behavior within our community that does not align with USA Cycling’s values and mission to provide a safe, fun, measured and equitable environment for all of our members to participate in cycling. We want to use this opportunity to remind and educate our membership of both our transgender policy and our SafeSport Program as well as to encourage productive, respectful conversations on this issue.

Transgender Policy

At the elite level, as a member of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee and the UCI, we follow the IOC’s transgender guidelines. We will continue to monitor any changes in international regulations at the elite level, while always adhering to USA Cycling’s Bylaws and Code of Conduct and the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act when establishing policies at the non-elite amateur level.

SafeSport Program

USA Cycling’s SafeSport Program includes policies that prohibit, among other forms of misconduct, gender-related harassment. Gender-related harassment is considered a form of sexual misconduct and therefore falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport (“Center”). Allegations of gender-related harassment should be reported directly to the Center. If such allegations are reported to USA Cycling, USA Cycling will report them to the Center for investigation and resolution.

We understand the philosophical challenges a diverse USA Cycling community brings. We want all of our members to have equal access to cycling events in a manner that is fair to all competitors, preserves the integrity of the sport, and respects international competition regulations. We respect and understand that not all members of our community may agree with our transgender policy, or believe that our policy accomplishes those goals. We encourage productive and ongoing conversation on diversity issues, including the participation of transgender athletes. However, there is no place for discrimination, harassment or hate on either side of the dialogue. We are all members of the USA Cycling community because we share a passion for cycling. We are committed to building on this commonality to deliver our promise of safe, fun, measured and equitable cycling for all.

View USA Cycling’s Transgender Policy here.

View USA Cycling’s SafeSport Program here.

You can report sexual misconduct (including gender-related harassment) to the US Center for SafeSport:


Phone: 720.531.0340 (Mon-Fri, 9-5:00 MT)

You can report other forms of misconduct to USA Cycling:

Email: or


Phone: 719.434.4222

For more information contact: