Training Tips
Women in Cycling

Here's to Being a Woman in Sports

By: Danica Artzberger, Marketing Intern  February 04, 2020

The red and white reversible shirts. Those were legendary. As it happens for a lot of individuals, my sport “career” started with recreational soccer. From there, I continued to play throughout my adolescence and dabbled in cross country and track along the way. Not so shockingly, I never showed any signs of becoming an Olympian or any sort of pro female athlete.

Although this was a disappointing and totally unforeseen occurrence, there is something about sports that always keeps me coming back. I have always loved the community that embodies sports, and I learned a lot about myself while participating in sports. I also enjoyed seeing the world of sport from different angles. This was why I spent time officiating and coaching soccer in high school. With this, when it came to deciding where to go to college, and what to major in, the Sport Management Program at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) stood out to me.

Pursuing a career in the sport industry has been interesting, to say the least. As a self-classified introvert, I will admit going into business was a tad daunting. Interacting with people isn’t always my favorite activity and I generally thrive in behind-the-scenes positions. Along with this, I have been conditioned to think that women in business, particularly women in sport, is uncommon. When I look around the classroom and realize the majority of my peers are male, I understand it would be easy to fall into thinking that maybe I am out of my element and I should pursue something else.

Despite all of this, I don’t feel restricted by these preconceived notions. Maybe this sounds naïve and I am just optimistic because I am still in school and have yet to enter the “real world,” but I have already met and have gotten to work with so many women in the sport industry who have inspired me to continue. The UCCS Sport Management program has provided me so many incredible opportunities. Being here, in Olympic City, USA, there is no shortage of sport, and everywhere I turn, there’s a chance to learn. From event management to marketing, I have seen a lot in a short time, and now I have the privilege of spending time at USA Cycling.

With this, I have had the chance to get close to a sport where so many of the top athletes are female. It’s great to witness their success and the strides that are being made in getting more females riding bikes. Not only are there a lot of great female athletes, but I am also lucky to have the guidance and support of the women in the office, specifically the marketing department. These ladies are full of great ideas and exude passion.

That being said, my time here at USA Cycling will be a fantastic way to wrap up my final semester at UCCS. So, here’s to being a woman in sport, even if I’m not the pro female athlete I was sooo close to being. Most importantly, here’s to all the women in sports trying to change the landscape, so everyone gets a chance to pursue their dream. As we know from sports, you only get as much out of it as you put into it and persistence will always be paramount, so keep pushing.